Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wisdom from a 4-year old

So Teddy and I have never really hid much from our kids. Of course, we've sheltered them from very disturbing things, or told them partial truths but not whole truths. However, one thing we've never lied to them about is money. We let them know when we can't afford things and why, and also let them know how our finances and spirituality are linked. This is begun some interesting discussions lately as we've begun a financial study at church, and our money situation has been ugly. Anyway, lately, our 4 year old daughter has been blurting out, "We're poor!" mostly off the joke I always say when they ask if they can have something. I always say, "Of course not, we're poor!" Well, apparently, Teddy has taken it one step further than me. The other day at lunch, I complained that the prices we're too high. Our little lady blurts out, "We're poor of money, but rich in love!" She said it so loudly and clearly! Teddy laughed and said they just talked about that in the car! Anyway, the kid gets it!

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