Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Kids on the Block

My birthday is in a couple days, on the 18th. Over the summer, my husband allowed me to get two tickets to a concert and it would be my birthday present from him. Well, I got tickets to see the most awesome boy band in all the world...NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! Back in my teen years, I was the Washington state president of their fan club. I loved Joey. I traveled to Seattle on the first day of high school to see them in concert and I fainted at the concert. I stayed up all night driving home only to go to my second day of high school exhausted. I proposed marriage to Joey at least 10 times over the course of two years. I loved NKOTB. But all good things come to an end. I grew up, moved on. Then this summer, they released a new song with the news that they were getting back together and touring! YES! So I got tickets, lined up a friend to go. Things were good. I was excited.
Two days ago, I opened an email from the venue hosting the concert. New Kids on the Block as cancelled their Portland, OR performance, due to scheduling conflicts. Turns out they got invited to perform on the American Music Awards that night. Happy Birthday to me. I was so disappointed...I even shed a tear. Or two. Or 30. Call me lame, but I was really looking forward to that concert and feel a bit betrayed by my boys...and my husband is a bit pissed that now he has to find me a different present! I tried to help him out last night. I figured I'd buy tickets to what's left of the Broadway season in Portland. I've been eyeballing season tickets for 6 months and I figured I'd take whatever they had left. Except they had nothing left. Sold Out. I cried. Now I have to buy tickets singly for each show, praying I'll get decent seats. I have to at least see Wicked again, as it is my most favorite musical.
So, thanks to NKOTB and Broadway, this birthday is shaping up to be a real winner! At least it hasn't come yet and still has time to redeem itself!

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