So I haven't posted since June. Yikes! Although...not like a lot of people noticed! :) So much has happened...a lazy summer; a new homeschool year begun; new dance teams; new sports teams; new, so much. But really, nothing really life altering. All things that could be caught up quickly, over a cup of coffee. Until today.
Because of today, our family's life was altered.
Some background info...Ben has been struggling this past year with severe negative emotions. He has been sassy and obstinate; he has called us names; he has threatened to call 911; he has asked for a new family; he has refused to eat, to sleep, threatened to run away; he has said he hates his sisters; he has said he hates us; he has said (more often than anything else) that he hates himself; and three times, he has expressed the desire to die or to kill himself. He's 10, by the way.
There's so much in this that's relevant. First, he's my mini-me...dramatic, emotional, deep thinker, argumentative, self-focused, a bit manic. Second, he's been parented in the past in a very reactive manner, with our emotions often winning over common sense, so he reacts differently to things than the girls do. Third, he's a boy who is encroaching on puberty. And finally, he has been in trouble more of his life than not. I own what parts of his current problem are based on poor parenting choices I have made. I have taken steps to rectify those and back in June, Ben started counseling again with Teddy and I attending as well (same counselor Ben had when he was 5 and 6).
After about 5 sessions, we didn't see much improvement or have ANY feedback from the counselor. Also, over the past 7 years, I have been conversing with Ben's pediatrician about his tics and school challenges, only to be told it's all normal. Two years ago, I discovered Sensory Integration Syndrome and Tourettes, and went armed with evidence that I think my son has both those as well as possible dyslexia...only to be poo-poo'd by both the pediatrician and the counselor. So, I chose to address the sensory issues at home, but left the dyslexia and Tourettes alone for now. Well, after realizing these counseling sessions were a waste of time, and after a particularly hard night (Ben woke me up at 2am, yelling that he didn't want to go to summer camp and he wanted to die, and it took 4 hours to calm him down), I decided to seek out psychiatry. At this point, a friend in the medical field suggested that Ben was showing symptoms of bipolar disease, which happens to run in both sides of my family to some degree. So, in August, we were given the soonest appointment with my second choice psychiatrist...October 4th.
Today, I considered skipping the appointment. He's been doing better, and I've been more consistent in our school routine which has helped with a few of the issues. He hasn't muttered anything about death or hate since August, but bedtime every night is a nightmare. He still can't sleep well; food is still a battle; he still bullies Sophia over the little noises she makes and the odd things she does that irritate him; and he still is lacking in self-confidence. So, we went.
He was scared and nervous. After I shared the gist of the last 10 years and Ben shared where he struggles the most, the doctor began to talk about medication. I was a bit ticked off, thinking, "I knew it, you're one of those doctors...running a pill palace, practically giving away prescriptions and rolling in the bucks." He said the pills would be for Ben's tics, that he could make them almost completely go away and it might help Ben have the mental capacity to cope with life better, since most kids with Tourette's struggle with tics, focus, short fuses, "crisp" personalities, sensory issues...wait. WHAT?
"Who has Tourette's?" I ask. "Ben?"
"Yes, hasn't he been diagnosed? He's a clear cut case. Vocal and motor tics, lasting over 6 months, that are migratory."
"But I asked his pediatrician, for 2 years now, and was told no way, that it's just a normal part of boys and growing up and he'll grow out of it" My Momma bear was getting riled up and it was either going to be directed at this psychiatrist or at our (now former) pediatrician.
"It's Tourettes, without a doubt." He went on to explain how all of Ben's challenges fall under this umbrella; how he will most likely grow out of it but the medication will help take the edge off for him so that he can sleep better, and slow down his "short fuse" so he can think through his actions better, help him obey us more and be nicer to his sisters just because it helps slow down his adrenaline reaction, and that we would combine that with talk therapy with a female counselor in the office (who also has a dog, which really helps Ben relax).
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of medicating kids, and I don't plan to share publicly what he's on because, for whatever reason, people like to judge me and I figure I'm already giving enough fodder to cast a few stones. But, to hear that my son actually has a reason why he's been so prickly his whole life, and to see him get some relief from these emotions and movements, about which he has said "I just can't control myself and I hate it"...for this, I am willing to try the medication and see if it helps him just a little. He needs some hope, and this family was quickly running out of it. Madeleine and Sophie cry themselves to sleep most nights, because bedtime is when the fighting is the worst. School was becoming impossible because it was always a fight. Car rides were a nightmare, because he would yell and complain the whole time. And quite frankly, my son was getting awfully hard to be around, and I hadn't used the word "fun" in reference to any activity he's part of, in a very long time.
I don't share a lot of this with many people, and between this and some health issues I've been having (blog post for later on), the past year especially has been a challenge in ways that are hard for some to understand. I've asked for advice on how to deal with Ben's behavior and had well meaning friends tell me things like, "You feed him junk, change that and he'll act better" (because my organic apples and whole wheat bread and no candy and almost no fast food was all junk, right?) or "It's because you let him play video games and read Harry Potter" (not sure if 20 min a day, if that, of video games has that much power...and he's finally reading, praise the Lord, so I won't go there) or "It's all spiritual, you need more church and more prayer" (more prayer is always a good thing, not so sure on the more church yet)...anyway, you see my challenge. We have read every parenting book, tried every tactic, been accused of bad things and judged for good things, tried nutritional approaches, prayed, begged, researched...only to still have crying kids at night and terrible feelings of despondency all around. I have felt very alone and have quit sharing my struggles with most of the people I'm surrounded by, because of this. I have felt like no one understands what it's like to have a child who's just off a bit...not enough to necessarily require special help, but just enough to make life hard...that's Ben. Always been a little out of sync, a little disconnected, a little lost. My heart has always been broken for him; broken by him; and done some of the breaking as well...perhaps today, this will start to change.
To have a diagnosis means I can begin to help my son heal, be empowered, to cope. There's a lot to learn, a lot to process. We've already had a few deep talks, focusing on the fact that this is something you have not who you are, and that in lots of ways, it makes him very unique and special. He asked if he can tell people because he gets made fun of a lot for his tics, and he surprisingly gave me permission to tell whomever I wanted as long as it wasn't his friends because that's his job to share. :) His sisters sang him a song (I think something from Seussical) and cried a little.
Anyway, I share this with you few who read this, because I would ask for prayer (if you are inclined) or advice (if it is non-judgmental) or positive support in any way, as we explore this new area. It's scary, giving my son a pill that could change him, however temporarily. It's also scary to "own" this disease. But within this fear, I'm finding relief, and hope, and power. I'd love to have you walk this journey with us and share in the blessings I'm sure will reveal themselves to us.
And perhaps, this writer's block will take a vacation soon.